SIAG-EDI Reading Group: Mathematics for Human Flourishing

Book Details

Mathematics for Human Flourishing
by Francis Su

Yale University Press, 2021, 288 pages

Author's Webpage

Links to Buy


Meetings will be on Tuesdays at 11am ET / 10am CT, 8am PT. To volunteer to lead a discussion, email

Discussion Date Chapters to Be Discussed Page Range Zoom Link Discussion Leader
27-Aug 1. Flourishing 1-16 Zoom Link
Meeting ID: 971 3235 0024
Passcode: SIAM-EDI
Tammy Kolda
3-Sep 2. Exploration 17-33
17-Sep 3. Play, 4. Meaning 34-66
1-Oct 5. Beauty, 6. Permanence 67-100 Jean Sexton
8-Oct 7. Truth 101-114 Josué Tonelli-Cueto
15-Oct 8. Struggle 115-127 Mayleen Cortez-Rodriguez
22-Oct 9. Power 128-146 Haley Yaple
5-Nov 10. Justice, 11. Freedom 147-185
12-Nov 12. Community 186-200
19-Nov 13. Love, Epilogue 201-216